Before going to start to learn How to Install WordPress on Infinityfree (a best Free Web Hosting Provder). Let’s learn What is Web Hosting?
Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible via the internet. To create a free website, learning about hosting is essential.
Let me provide an example to help you understand web hosting better:
Imagine you need to build a house, but you don’t have any land. You find a piece of land and use it to build your house. In this scenario, the land represents hosting, as it provides the space needed for your house. Similarly, in web development, web hosting provides the space to store your website’s files, data, and information.
Web hosting can be either free or paid, and there are significant differences between the two in terms of performance, features, security, and more. For a website, hosting is the most basic need. If you’re willing to invest some money, I recommend Hostinger, as it offers affordable and reliable hosting services globally. Hostinger provides excellent long-term hosting at a low price. If you want a 10% extra discount, click on the “Check Detail” button.
However, if you don’t have the budget to invest, you can still develop your website using free hosting services. Several companies offer free hosting, and among them, InfinityFree is quite popular.But Why is InfinityFree Popular? InfinityFree has over 10 years of experience in providing free web hosting. Compared to other companies, InfinityFree offers many top-level features. Here’s how you can use InfinityFree and install WordPress on it.
Here we will learn the step-by-step process to install WordPress in infinityfree (free Web hosting service provider):-
Step 01: Open any web browser and Search ““
On the first page of infinityfree website you will learn and see the reviews rating and feature of infinityfree free web hosting company. Note:- if you use any anti malware or other security extension, please close it.
Step 02:- Create an Account on infinityfree (free web hosting). if you have already have an account click on Sign in button
Step 03:- After creating an account, infinityfree (free web hosting services provider) send a verification email to your Gmail for email verification. After Verification complete, it will be redirect you to the client area.
Step 04:- Click on create Account button – This will help you to choose a domain and creating a cpanel (Control Panel) and wait upto 20 minutes.
Step 05:- Choose your dream Domain – click on subdomain and click on check availability. if want to get a custom domain , then click on custom Doman button and buy it. subdomain is free
Step 06:- Fill all additional Information and click on create Account
Step 07:- After click on the Create Account ,Your account was create and also you can see your user name. And now Click on Finish
Step 08:- At a few while your cPanel are ready. After cPanel created Click on the Green “Control Panel” Button.
Step 09:- first the it take few minutes and you will redirect on the cPanel of the infinityfree free web hosting. In cpanel ,Scroll down and find Softaculous App Installer
Step 10:- And now you are ready to install wordpress on Infinityfree. Select and click the install button on wordPress, which is highlight on below image.
Step 11:- Fill the information carefully: – select your domain, Add the Administration name and Strong Password and then click on the install button which is place on the bottom on the page.
Step 12:- After completing the installation process, you will get congratulation message and below you will see the two important link, example is provided in the below graph.
1. your website URL 2. Admin URL (through this link you can access the WordPress dashboard)
Step 13:- by using 2nd link you can access or login in the WordPress admin panel or dashboard.
These are all the 13 important steps. With the help of these step you can install WordPress on infinityfree free web hosting. After access the dashboard you can install plugin and theme and you can start the website development. you can also learn the installation process of WordPress on Infinityfree(free web hosting) through YouTube.
If you want to learn WordPress Development for free, then you can join our Free WordPress Development Mastery Course. The course is totally free of cost and in this course you will learn WordPress development from scratch.
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